Massively improved changes to our quality control system!

Massively improved changes to our quality control system!

Posted by RLSD on Jun 30 2017

You might already know that in order to prevent mistakes, and halt shipping snafus in our doll orders, we use a long checklist, which has to be gone over step-by-step before a doll can ship. This checklist works well, but we still had the occasional ding that slipped through. It has no problems checking things like joints, movement and function, body and head types, and physical flaws, but some things could be missed. We didn’t like that – we know you deserve the very best for your hard-earned money, and we are determined to make sure that happens!

We’ve added a crucial final step to this checklist, which has proven over the last few weeks to catch every possible issue. Now each inch of your doll is photographed at the factory before she, or he, is shipped. We then review the photographs and confirm the colors and options, making sure the doll matches the order. We look for visual issues such as problems with fingernails, toenails, makeup, pubic hair, hair, eyes, eyebrows, areola, labia colors and sizes. Only when we are sure that everything is just perfect, do we allow a doll to ship to you.

Of course, this doesn’t stop the shipping company from making a mistake, or Customs being rude and snooping, leaving a mess. But we can handle that problem, if it happens. We always stand behind our product, and we’ll always support you, our customer. If you ever have any problem with a doll that arrives at your door, please contact us immediately and we’ll take care of you.

You’re not just our customer, you’re a part of a huge family of realistic love doll owners and admirers –just as we are. This isn’t just a business, but a passion for love dolls. We want to be sure that all of our dolls are just right and perfect for you, and this new quality control system is taking a huge step in the right direction.