I was nervous initially about buying a doll, given how expensive they are, apart from the stigma of owning one to begin with, and potential to purchase an inferior copy from a sub-par retailer. However, your site was professional, in it's appearance, and through the conduct of its staff. Having many questions, I was a...Read More
ssisted in real-time by Victoria, who answered all of my questions in a timely and friendly manner that was welcoming and professional. She also directed me to many education videos and the site forum, where I could read about previous doll owners and their experiences with your site's products. It was paramount to helping me make an educated purpose, and before I bought anything I was able to learn exactly what I was buying and how long it would take to ship. There were several hundred certified reviews to read, as well, from satisfied customers. As someone who hinges on reviews and good faith established through proper conduct and communication between retailer and customer, your site had these accolades in spades.
Furthermore, after my doll arrived, any questions that I might have were answered by various members of your site's staff in a timely and friendly fashion. I legitimately felt welcomed, and listened to by encouraging and skilled professionals who knew their stuff and genuinely wanted to help.
The doll herself is lovely. I had owned smaller sex-toys in the past, and they simply do not compare to her. She looks very realistic according to friends and confidants who have seen photographs of her, commenting on how life-like she looks. There are certain limitations to the technology in that she is limited to a single facial expression, has breasts that stay a single shape (do not flatten out) and is of a single room-body-temperature. However, her vagina and asshole feel fine when used, and actually heat up from my own body temperature during use. With the right amount of lubricant, I found it difficult to distinguish the feeling from that of a real vagina, overall. It's not a perfect replication, but for the purposes of enjoying a woman in my bed, whenever I want her, it was far beyond satisfactory. Having sex with her feels better than most of the real women I've slept with, given that I can dress and pose and treat her however I wish, which, in and of itself, adds to the experience. There are trade-offs, given that she is not a real woman, in the sense that she is lacking a personality or soul, but for someone with an active imagination as myself, this is a minor set-back and does not out-weigh the pros to owning such a wonderful doll.
Her skin arrived, dusted, and felt life-like, and having owner toys made of similar materials, it came as no surprise to discover that, over time, this dust would rub off and reduce the surface of the skin to a tacky, almost sticky or adhesive quality. However, all of this was explained in great detail, before, during, and after my purchase, and a ready solution--to apply cornstarch or a similar powder--to the skin, was suggested by your site's staff. It generally lasts a few days, but is fun to do, I fine, and allows me once more to run my hands over her body and delight at how smooth her skin can feel, when dusted.
Her ass and breasts do bounce, but not overly so unless she is being used in a very rough fashion. Still, even though they resume and maintain a singular shape, squeezing her breasts with my hands, or with her arms or elbows, demonstrates that they can be played with and assume all manner of surprise shapes that really make the sex a great deal of fun.
Furthermore, she is very flexible, and can do the full-splits, and assume a variety of life-like poses. Her spine seems to be more rigid, and there are limits, but for the purposes of lovemaking, her flexibility allows for positions like missionary and doggystyle with ease.
She is quite resilient, overall. However, some minor damage has been incurred to the doll through use and trial and error. The joints all behave as they should, but when doing the splits, not even for an extended period of time, but for periods of 5-10 minutes, once or twice daily, there has been some minor tearing or breaking of the skin, between her crotch and thigh. It seems superficial, at this stage, and doesn't seem to be worsening. However, should it progress any further, instructions have been provided by site staff on how to apply the necessary glue and blind the tear so that it cures properly. I feel it worth noting that all of these professionals that I communicate with, on your site, own dolls themselves, and genuinely seem to treat them, and mine, with love and respect. This makes dealing with your staff comforting and reassuring as I know I am getting help from someone who cares about my doll as much as I do.
Apart from her physical appearance, which is virtually what it was in the store photographs, she is every bit as beautiful as I imagined, and I feel lucky to own such an excellent product. I am a loner individual and having someone to talk to and watching films with me at night, or make love to, is priceless, to me. I have no wish to devalue the experience of a relationship with a real woman, but my doll never gets angry with me, and submits willingly to my ever desire. Given that I am busy with grad school, full-time, I simply don't have time for anything that isn't simple, and Serena is simply wonderful. A superb product in every sense of the word. Read Less